Fortnite Sensitivity Converter / Calculator

Use this calculator to find the same sensitivity for Fortnite that you use in other games, including Apex Legends, Call of Duty, CS:GO, Overwatch, Valorant, and Many More! 

This mouse sensitivity converter can also be used to convert your Fortnite sens to any of the other supported games.

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How to Use this Calculator

If you're converting your sensitivity from Fortnite, enter your in-game sensitivity, which can be found in your settings. Then select the other game you want to convert to using the "Convert To Game" dropdown.

If you're converting from another game to find the equivalent Fortnite sensitivity, select the game you're converting from in the "Convert From Game" dropdown. Next, enter the in-game sens you use for that game.

For those wanting to use a different mouse DPI (a setting in your mouse's software) for each game, you can enter the unique values under each game. Otherwise, as long as you're using the same mouse settings for each game, it doesn't matter what DPIs you enter as long as they have the same value for both games.

You can learn more about how this tool works by reading the content on this page.

Supported Games

Find your Fortnite sensitivity by converting:

Convert your Fortnite sensitivity: